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Bush Admin. students of Nazi propaganda tactics?
all systems are the same, they just use a different name
Published on June 19, 2005 By
The quote speaks for itself:
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15 Pages
on Jun 22, 2005
Hardly. There's crap like this all over the Internet, and it isn't accidental.
You know the reference will stick with people who'll swallow it and never question it's validity. People aren't going to think "rhetorically".
Well believe what you like Baker, it's what you are going to do anyway. I think it is extremely arrogant to think you know my motives when you don't even know me. It was as random as I have described before, I should have been working on an essay but I felt the urge to post (because I am a huge procrastinator) and I just pulled out the quote for discussion and wrote a headline that would suck people in. If I had put more, or indeed any thought into it there would be no confusion that it was about rhetoric not other tactics. If you don't believe me that's your problem.
I don't think most people are dumb enough to mix rhetorical tactics up with gassing jews. The people that would are bound to believe that sort of shit anyway.
You are using the EXACT same tactics Goering describes. Look out, the Bush will get you, with a nice big "Nazi" nearby for effect...
If you are going to use the word "exact" you should actually mean it. God that shits me when people do that, it is like when people say "literally" when they mean figuratively. If I were using the exact same tactics as Goering is talking about it the quote I would say something along the lines of "Bush is planning take over the world and enslave its people. If you don't believe me you are a traitor to the human race."
Really what you're trying to accused me of is making Bush look like a Nazi by false association, an entirely different tactic. I agree it could be interpreted that way but it was not my intention, I just didn't put any thought into the repercussions when I hastily posted it off (upon realising that I should be working on my essay) without further explanation . I'm not perfect so bloody sue me.
on Jun 22, 2005
My point is that Bush demands that everyone accept his solutions to everything That includes the American People, Congress and the courts. That is a Dictatorship!
Idiot. A president can "demand" all he wants. The fact he DOESN'T get everything, just because he wants it proves that you are wrong. The fact that Americans are free to disagree with Prs. Bush means that we aren't in a dictatorship. So, again, you are wrong!
You can't even live up to your own rhetoric!
Island Dog
on Jun 22, 2005
My point is that Bush demands that everyone accept his solutions to everything That includes the American People, Congress and the courts. That is a Dictatorship! You tell us that to disagree with Bush is disloyal. BS - it is our RIGHT.
You have lost it. Bush can demand whatever he wants. If a democratic President was demanding something would be complaining also?
You dictatorship rhetoric shows you are no better than the wacko leftists at the DU. Get over yourself.
Ther bottom line is that the majority of Americans DO NOT support most of the Bush policies. When you have polls that show 30-40% support, it is clear Bush is not on accord with what the people want. No, I have not polled 100% of Americans but the small % that support for him show clearly- Bush is out of touch with the vast majority of the American People. Polls do have a error rate but nothing like the amount that DO NOT SUPPORT HIS POLICIES!
You have never proven this. This is your opinion and nothing else. I guess that small percent who support him are the one's who re-elected him.
Polls are not accurate, and they do not truely reflect what America wants. Why don't you understand that. I always here you say the same thing, "Bush is out of touch". The only people out of touch are the one's who constantly lose to Bush, the democrats.
on Jun 22, 2005
No, I am accusing you of trying to twist public opinion by using fearmongering, inflammatory language and associating Bush's name with Nazism.
You are too intelligent not to realize that your faux-naive attitude would negate about 90% of advertising. Hows about I make a big headline and use the name of a major company and associate it in some what with the word Nazi. I'm thinking they wouldn't appreciate the 'rhetorical' nature of the implication.
This "Who, me? I would do such a thing?" stuff is silly. You know full well the impression your title and that quote gives, and you just won't admit it.
COL Gene
on Jun 22, 2005
The Senate has the constitutional responsibility to approveFederal Judges and for over 212 years Senate rules allow minorities to filibuster.
Promoting an agenda that only 30 to 40% sport is not good for America. Relecting Bush did not give him preapproval for anything he wants to do!
Bush is NOT providing the information requested by the Senate on Bolton. They should NOT vote until he provides the requested information!
His tax cuts have added to the deficit. Lets take vote to see if the majority want to restore the tax rates on the wealthy until we balance the budget.
The Bush solution to SS is not a solution and NOT what the vast majority want. The majority are NOT conservatives in this country. Hell, not all Republicans are conservatives. Why should policies the suit only the conservatives be forced on the majority that want other policies!
We spent 20 Billion to stop terrorists from comming in on aircraft and ignore our borders. That in NUTS. Bush says he needs 10,000 more border guards and then requests the money to hire 210 of the 10,000. WHY!
Yes the Commander in chief made the decission which turned out to be a disaster. He said it would be short. We would be considered as liberators. The cost would be between 40-60 Billion. He was told that it would take 300,000 troops to control Iraq. His father warned about going into Iraq in the first place. GWB did not listen to anyone but himself and look at the mess we are on with NO END IN SIGHT!
The energy policy is a big pay off at taxpayer expense to the energy companies who are making record profits. He ignores the low gas mileage of our SUV's, cars and trucks that has done more to increase demand and gas prices than any other single element! WHY?
We are more bitterly divided in Congress and in every community then EVER under a President that pledged just the opposite.
Island Dog
on Jun 22, 2005
Promoting an agenda that only 30 to 40% sport is not good for America. Relecting Bush did not give him preapproval for anything he wants to do!
Your percentages are not accurate. Why do you keep saying that? Presidents should not govern based on polls, is that what you want?
His tax cuts have added to the deficit. Lets take vote to see if the majority want to restore the tax rates on the wealthy until we balance the budget.
We already did take a vote. Kerry wanted to raise taxes on successful Americans, people didn't buy it. Your solution to raise taxes on successful people is void and has been proven wrong many times.
The Bush solution to SS is not a solution and NOT what the vast majority want. The majority are NOT conservatives in this country. Hell, not all Republicans are conservatives. Why should policies the suit only the conservatives be forced on the majority that want other policies!
Until you go to every single persons house in America, stop talking like you konw what everybody wants. You know nothing about what America wants. The majority of this country are not liberals, why aren't you writing about them trying to force their policies on us?
America elected a conservative President, they elected a conservative majority Congress. When will you understand the alternative is not there. Instead of complaining about Bush and Repbulicans, why don't you start helping the democratic party? Nothing, absolutely nothing you do will ever change the decisions Bush makes. He can't be re-elected, so why do you bother? Democrats have a very slim chance of winning any elections in the next few years. Why don't you help them regain the party that once stood for something?
Yes the Commander in chief made the decission which turned out to be a disaster. He said it would be short. We would be considered as liberators. The cost would be between 40-60 Billion. He was told that it would take 300,000 troops to control Iraq. His father warned about going into Iraq in the first place. GWB did not listen to anyone but himself and look at the mess we are on with NO END IN SIGHT!
Your statement is so full of holes it's ridiculous. Iraq is not a disaster. Far from it. The people of Iraq do consider us liberators, just ask the troops who come back and are amazed at the negative media coverage they get. When have you commented in the good news posts that people post here? Because you don't want to see it. You are only happy if Iraq fails, so you totally ignore anything good coming from there.
We are more bitterly divided in Congress and in every community then EVER under a President that pledged just the opposite.
This is another bs statement. Not surprising from you.
As usual you blame Bush for a "divided" America while totally ignoring the rhetoric, obstruction, and hatred from the democratic party? Why is that?
on Jun 22, 2005
I wonder how the Kerry campaign would have reacted had the Bush campaign posted a quote like that in reference to Kerry's policy?
Hmmm... I wonder if they would have brushed it off as "rhetorical"...
The idea that this is an innocent allusion is just a bit too sad to be funny. Like I said, this quote was used to death during the Vietnam war, and no one used it innocently then, either...
on Jun 22, 2005
My point is that Bush demands that everyone accept his solutions to everything That includes the American People, Congress and the courts. That is a Dictatorship! You tell us that to disagree with Bush is disloyal. BS - it is our RIGHT. Ther bottom line is that the majority of Americans DO NOT support most of the Bush policies. When you have polls that show 30-40% support, it is clear Bush is not on accord with what the people want. No, I have not polled 100% of Americans but the small % that support for him show clearly- Bush is out of touch with the vast majority of the American People. Polls do have a error rate but nothing like the amount that DO NOT SUPPORT HIS POLICIES!
This is MAJOR BS! You know as well as the rest of us that dictators maintain control and power through force of arms! Can you show me "one" instance of Bush doing that? Of course you can't! Polls have LARGE error rates built in! You have been shown over and over again why you should not trust a poll. It's way to easy to skew the results the way you want them by asking leading questions, only asking certain types of people and only going to certain areas. Get real Klink!
COL Gene
on Jun 22, 2005
I have an idea. Bush should have his two daughters enlist and go to Iraq. Just think how great a morale booster this would be for our US military serving in Iraq. They could see that George Bush was so convinced he was doing the right thing that he sent his own daughters to help in his valiant effort. I suggest one enlisted in the Army and the other in the Marine Corps.
on Jun 22, 2005
man o man I am so glad that some here do not make american policies," the quick run away and hide" crowd are so far off base it sickens me.
Island Dog
on Jun 22, 2005
I have an idea. Bush should have his two daughters enlist and go to Iraq. Just think how great a morale booster this would be for our US military serving in Iraq. They could see that George Bush was so convinced he was doing the right thing that he sent his own daughters to help in his valiant effort. I suggest one enlisted in the Army and the other in the Marine Corps.
We have a volunteer army. His daughters are adults and he can't have his daughters enlist if they don't want to. From what I read moral is pretty good in Iraq. But you won't hear that from the MSM. Remember col, the military vote goes to Bush. They support him and what he's doing because they see the real results, not what the media here tells you.
COL Gene
on Jun 22, 2005
Defending the US and our freedom is brave. The BS in Iraq has NOTHING to do with our freedom. Sending the American military to their death because Bush did not listen to the people thst knew what it would take to control Iraq after Saddam fell. How many died or were injured because Bush did not send the number of people needed to stop the terrorism that takes place every day in Iraq. The Downing street memo's were correct, Bush had no workable plan to control Iraq and our military have paid the price for the Bush choice on the conduct of this war. Even if you agree with the war itself, anyone can see that the way Bush choose to handle it is NOT WORKING! He must have studied military tactics when he was not attending national Guard Drills in 1972!
on Jun 22, 2005
We have a volunteer army. His daughters are adults and he can't have his daughters enlist if they don't want to
If there was a draft for everyone including women they would not go, I can easily guarantee that. They always send the poor.
I read moral is pretty good in Iraq.
Yeah, that's why they complained to Rumsfeld in a press conference. I don't think moral is as high as you have read.
Island Dog
on Jun 22, 2005
How many died or were injured because Bush did not send the number of people needed to stop the terrorism that takes place every day in Iraq.
Probably none. You have no evidence or proof that sending more troops would have changed anything. And stop quoting the same thing as usual. I have seen generals that said we have too many troops over there. Everybody has an opinion, and that is all your posts are.
The Downing street memo's were correct, Bush had no workable plan to control Iraq and our military have paid the price for the Bush choice on the conduct of this war. Even if you agree with the war itself, anyone can see that the way Bush choose to handle it is NOT WORKING! He must have studied military tactics when he was not attending national Guard Drills in 1972!
The "memos" have not been proven to be real. Just stop quoting them as fact.
As far as your National Guard comment, you have been proved wrong on that a long time ago. Do you want to bring that up again?
Actually Iraq is working. Elections, Government, markets, more utilities than when Saddam was in power, schools opening, etc. Yeah, Iraq is not working. You are pathetic.
Island Dog
on Jun 22, 2005
If there was a draft for everyone including women they would not go, I can easily guarantee that. They always send the poor.
Yeah, that's why they complained to Rumsfeld in a press conference. I don't think moral is as high as you have read.
You mean the soldier who asked a question for a reporter? Anyways that has nothing to do with moral. Since col never answers this question, do you ever take the time to read and research the good things happening in Iraq?
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