A weird mix of surrealism, bizarre philosophy, politics, personal views and, of course, smoked salmon milkshakes. One reader said: "....you have an excellant writing style! Thanks for the information and a few laughs!" - Dr. Guy
Published on April 26, 2007 By Toblerone In Humor

on Apr 26, 2007
on Apr 26, 2007
GW does a mean Toyi toyi (SA speak for dancing and jiggling around). Only thing missing was the quintessential African idiot, Mugabe!
on Apr 26, 2007
on Apr 26, 2007
Nero fiddled while rome burned...apparantly, george dances.
on Apr 26, 2007
Gotta say it Gw is one class act. respects other folks traditions like no other.
on Apr 26, 2007
Gotta say it Gw is one class act

I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
on Apr 28, 2007
(Citizen)Texas WahineApril 26, 2007 17:01:51

Gotta say it Gw is one class act

I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

mmmmmmmmmmmmm what flavor was it?
on May 30, 2007
As much as I don't like Bush, I actually liked this bit. It was nice to see him be human and dance shitty like the rest of us.